How can I improve my child's test scores?
READING: The #1 best thing you can do for your child is have them read EVERYDAY! It  does not matter if it is only five minutes; find something they are  
interested in and ENCOURAGE them read! They can read to you, a brother or  sister, family member, cat, dog or stuffed animal! Take your child to the  grocery 
and have them read labels and street signs on the way. Every little  bit of practice helps!  
MATH: Basic facts are IMPERATIVE...practice practice practice...flashcards are a great way for students to practice on their own. You can find flashcards at  the 
dollar store, grocery stores, or large chain stores such as Wal-Mart and  Meijer...better yet...have your child make his or her own set of flashcards!  Let them get 
creative while studying Laughing I recommend for 3rd grade:  addition, subtraction, time, multiplication and division.  The week of testing, be sure your child gets plenty 
of rest each night and  eats a well-balanced breakfast the morning of testing. This will help them  stay focused. Remember, the more they have practiced...the more 
CONFIDENT  they will feel!


When does state testing take place?

In the fall the Ohio Reading Achievement Test is administered to all third  grade students in the state (an exact date will be specified later). In the  spring both the 
Ohio Reading and Math Achievement Tests are administered to  all third grade students in the state (an exact date will be specified  later). The test given in the fall 
allows educators to gauge which areas  will need the most educational emphasis for your child throughout the school  year.


What is a passing score?

By the spring, students will qualify for passing if they acquire a minimum  of 400 points on each test.


Can I bring in a treat for my child's birthday?

3rd grade is a time we love to celebrate birthdays! Treats are always  welcome, but please let me know if you are stopping in or sending something,  as I will 
have to notify the office prior to arrival. Some students also  like to donate a book to the class for the birthday celebrations. They are  able to write their name 
in the front cover dedicating it to their 3rd grade  classroomWink


Can my child bring a snack to school?

I do have a designated snack time for students each day. I ask that you send  a healthy snack for your child. Great examples include: fresh fruits and  vegetables, 
crackers or pretzels. If you would like to send in items that  need refrigerated, please feel free as I do have a classroom refrigerator. I  do ask if you are sending 
popcorn to pre-pop it before school. The noise of  the microwave seems to bring quite a disturbance while teaching. Surprised


What changes are being made to the school buildings in Miamisburg?

So many changes are taking place in our district! I encourage you to check  them out at http://miamisburgcityschools.org/index.php/district/district- projects.